Thursday, March 26, 2009

No More Customization for Yahoo! Music LAUNCHcast Radio

Although I just found it out today, it seems that since early February, the personalized radio feature that I've grown to love from Yahoo! Music has been banished. It has been replaced by none other than the craptastical CBS Radio, which apprently now runs Yahoo! LAUNCHcast.
With this, the whole good part, the customization, is sucked out of this radio. Basically, now all you can customize is what the music genre that you want to listen to is. You can pick Today's Biggest Hits, Hard Rock, Adult Alternative and quite a bit more but that sure doesn't beat what it was before. You would pretty much pick which songs played with your specified music preferences.
You may say this is a financial decision now Yahoo!, but soon you'll regret this very much. Very, very much. Well, actually I still like Yahoo!, I'll just take it out on CBS; no more CBS on my TV. So ha!

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